Friday, May 22, 2020

Multi Tenancy, Resource Utilization, And Software

Today’s businesses can attain applications on demand using cloud computing. Multi-tenancy is a significant feature of cloud computing in which a single application is shared among multiple tenants. Multi-tenancy offers variety of advantages including cost savings, resource utilization, version control and more. Currently more applications are moved from organization’s internal infrastructure to data centers using shared infrastructure that provide Software as a Service (SaaS) to large number of organizations. This paper is devoted to discussing different options for implementing multitenancy such as An Efficient Schema Shared Approach for Cloud Based Multitenant Database with Authentication Authorization Framework and A Non-Intrusive Multi-Tenant Database For Large Scale Applications. Finally analyze the two solution with various factors. General Terms Tenant,Meta Data,Security,XML Objects Keywords Multi-tenancy, resource utilization, Software as a service 1. 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